Tax Calculator

Tax Calculator

Need to get a quick estimate of your taxes? Our Quick Tax Calculator gives you the basic information you need in seconds. You can enter numbers to see how your tax situation will change by adding a dependent or getting married!

Step 1: Click the tax buttons in the calculator to learn how to determine the amount to enter in each box.
Step 2: The calculator will automatically adjust based on the amounts you input. Play with the numbers to see how your taxes will change.
Step 3: Your Refund or Tax Owed will be shown at the bottom of the calculator.





How Virginia Tax is Calculated

VA Taxable Income
Tax Calculation
0 – $3,0002%
$3,001 – $5,000$60 + 3% of excess over $3,000
$5,001 – $17,000$120 + 5% of excess over $5,000
$17,001 –$720 + 5.75% of excess over $17,000



If your taxable income is $54,000, your tax is $720 + 5.75% of the amount over $17,000.
This equals: $720 + (.0575 x $37,000) = $720 + $2,127.50 = $2,847.50 which should be rounded to $2,848.
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